Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Game of Thrones: Top 20 Moments of Season 4 (With Video)

I want to start off by saying that this was definitely the best season of Game of Thrones so far. So many good moments to choose from, but I've narrowed it down to 20 for your pleasure. These are based on shock value, impact on the plot, and straight awesomeness. So re-live season 4 below with my top 20 moments. Enjoy.


20. Arya heads to Braavos
Valar Morghulis

19. Stannis gets the Iron Bank's support
The true king gets money and the most powerful bank on his side

18. Drogon is out and about
"A dragon can't be tamed"

17. Ygritte Dies
"You know nothing Jon Snow"

16. Arya and The Hound
End of a "friendship" and the start of a new Arya

14. Daenerys banishes Jorah
Karma's a bitch

13. Stannis saves The Wall
The true King acting like a true King and protecting the realm

12. Sansa plays the Game of Thrones

11. Daenerys locks up her dragons
A Mother locking up her Children *side note: dragons can only grow as large as the places they are in

10. Wildlings and Giants attack The Wall
Giants riding Mammoths! 

9. Bran finally finds the Three Eyed Raven
Skeleton wights, Children of the Forest, Bran flying? (Bran's vision)

8. Petyr pushes Lysa out the Moon Door
She gone.

7. Reveal behind Joffrey's murder
Olenna Tyrell and Littlefinger: Ultimate tag team

6. Daenerys takes Mareen
The champion fight before this was even cooler

5. White Walkers sacrifices baby
They have been converting Craster's babies this whole time?!?

4. Tyrion's trial / speech
Gut wrenching trial with an epic ending (Just give Dinklage the Emmy now)

3. Tyrion's escape and revenge
Finally the good guys win on this show

2. The Red Viper vs. The Mountain
First clip: epic, Second clip:AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

1. King Joffrey chokes to death
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